Welcome to a book like no other
Next Level book
“Voilà ce que j’aurais dû dire !” (That’s what I should have said !)
It is the fruit of several years of training, a summary of our approach, a selection of our best exercises… in short, it is a coach to develop your soft skills, i.e. your ability to better manage relationships with others, to better collaborate, and to bounce back serenely in any situation.
In my life, ignorance was greater than knowledge. I took it upon myself to assume it and say I didn’t know. That’s what I should have said resonates with me because I was able to verify how much it was okay to screw up.
To try, not to be afraid of the look of others, is to become someone… Improvisation cures everything. It should be reimbursed by French public welfare system! I would have loved to have come across this book earlier. I would have become who I am sooner. Enjoy your reading. Jamel Debbouze.
The objective of this book is to accompany your professional development, like a sports coach: it puts you in action, suggests series of exercises, and is at your side to correct and improve your reflexes.
It is organized into 22 practical cards representing 22 common situations in professional life that can give us a hard time: how to say no, how to manage better, how to deal with conflicts, how to make memorable presentations, how to manage your time…. Each sheet offers exercises of increasing difficulty to train yourself until you master new reflexes. Make your own personal program!
The idea of this book, in the direct Next Level philosophy, is to PRAC-TICE !
That’s why we’ve created an interactive book: all the scenarios and exercises are videos, accessible on a mobile application.
No more laziness to do the exercises, our videos allow you to train while having fun to sharpen your reflexes until you are totally at ease, and totally operational!
From chapter to chapter, from exercise to exercise, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the Triple A approach – Analysis, Acceptance, Adaptation -, which allows you to transform the way you approach and react to situations.
You’ll see, it changes your life!
“This is what I should have said” is available in all bookstores, around the corner from you or on the internet. If you want to order right away, you can do it here
